Sunday, October 12, 2008

Camping Uncensored

7 PM- We sat around the campfire and wrote a story. Everyone contributed one line. Here is the final piece:

It was a close race for the loser of the day award but Jessica began pulling ahead quickly in the morning. And it tickled my feet. So Matt ran away. Can I just say Berto tried to save the day with a condom. It's cool if your name is Mandora because then your nickname could be Dora. And Amish sent out 2000 emails about the camping trip. I realized when I looked north and saw the big rock and the cliff, I wouldn't be able to reach it without jumping into the water. After the projectile vomit came out my mouth, I wanted to jump into the ocean and die. I knew he'd been dead for a few days because rigor mortis had set in. As I sat warming myself by the crackling fire, I realized I could really use a box of a kittens. I found later that he was a predatory lender. I needed a condom but luckily Berto brought four so I saved my air mattress.

Memories from the trip:
Jessica puking exorcist style on the boat.
Matt puking in his mouth on the boat. Why couldn't I keep it in my mouth?
14+99999 miles hiking
Deer with awesome antlers jumping out in front of Emily and scaring everyone during hike
Christopher Bunk and Jess's discovery of a deer carcass while exploring
Berto's numerous condom discussions (apparently more ways to use than we ever thought to believe)
Bruno's surprise visit to the campsite
Meili's fear of Bruno the robot
Falling into the fire
The Random Girls of Catalina Island
Waking up to the sound of waves crashing
Getting through all "99 bottles of beer on the wall" during hike
Nick, me, Leila and Brian running as fast as possible to the end of the trail in search of bacon cheeseburgers
Meili's exciting return to civilization an hour later than everyone else

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