Thursday, October 9, 2008

Catalina Camping Trip 2008

There are 16 of us going camping this weekend. We are only going for one night yet we will be so prepared, we could permanently relocate if we wanted to. I mean who wouldn't want to give up the comfort of their own bed, privacy, running water, a toilet that flushes, fresh food, and protection from sand flies to live in the wilderness like Lord of the Flies. I'd love to roam free with wild Buffalo and share my body with sand flies. That's fun! We could develop our own organized govenment and I bet who would nominate themselves President. I could see it now, Amish, Master Organizer, standing at the top of the hill wearing his chicken hat from Oktoberfest, holding onto a walking stick. He will nominate everyone with a different responsibility to keep the community running smoothly.

Apparently I'm not eligible to obtain a fishing license as Master said I'll end up in federal prison if I bring a fishing rod along. I'd be better off blowing up mail boxes! Can we just say 14 miles of hiking in two days with smelly boys? Freeze dried meals? MMMMmmmm delicious.

I'm actually really excited to spend time outdoors with a great group of people this weekend. Just wanted to throw it out there. :-)

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