Thursday, January 22, 2009

Believe in me

She sees herself in you as you've been a true believer
Intuitively speaking, her heart is her best feature

She opens up the greyest winter sky with an infinite smile and her eyes
Tell a story of a healing wound that's nearly gone

You seek to mend this wound with soothing words, and laughs, and gentle touch
Sincerity and trust will bring her closer

She never let you in at first
A broken soul alone who needed time
A distraction never ceased to go away

But August past and the saddest summer said goodbye to the disease
And she now feels silk through roughness of the sand
She is at peace

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I am.

Playful and expressive. Hestitant and a bit reserved. Slow to trust but quick to love. An optimist, believer, analyst, communicator.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Our only friend, the bartender

I attended a red carpet event for a jewelry store opening in Beverly Hills with Emily Asian. Raquel Welch hosted the event which was attended by fake plastic breasts, face lifts, eye lifts, botox, chin implants, perhaps even calf implants, rhinoplasty, eating disorders, and beautiful people as well. Climbing out of the car, paparazzi snapped photos of us and commented on our emerald green and teal dresses. Obviously this was our type of scene so we tripped (I tripped) and giggled our way through the crowd and headed straight to the bar. The bartender was thankful for us as we were eager for his services. "Chardonnay?" "Bring it, and keep the glass filled." He invited us to eat at the bar as well, knowing we were commoners who would happily support his views of the Beverly Hills cretans in attendance. Emily and I went in shifts to grab hor d'oeuvres from the buffet, I'd say at least six shifts, as we felt sorry for all the uneaten food left by the eating disorders. Before we knew it, stacks of plates were piled up on the bar and the bartender asked to remove the mess we left. We thanked him for his hospitality and he smiled so big, I thought his teeth were going to pop out of his mouth! Apparently saying thank you is a rare occurance.

Colette (the creator of this exclusive jewelry) raffled off a pair of earrings towards the end of the night. 30329... (OMG I'm going to win I'm going to win)... 1. One number off from winning earrings. Booohooo. I made it a point to introduce myself to Colette however, to prove to myself I had a purpose of being there. I researched her collections before attending and told her how I love the "galaxy collection." She agreed it's her favorite. I'm sure she says that about all of her collections.

A homeless guy in a wheelchair approaches us outside while we're standing at the valet stand, mapping our next spot for a drink. “You know why women are so beautiful?" he says. "Because they gave birth to you. Your momma, her momma, my momma, they could have died having us! Women could die having babies.” And I said, “So can men.” I subconsciously found a way to divert a homeless person's attention away from asking for money. He rode off on his wheelchair, through a group of people who could surely afford to drop a few hundred to help this poor man, trying to absorb my stupidity.

The jewelry is beautiful. Take a look:

Friday, November 7, 2008

You fell down, scraped your knee, it scabbed. You're healed. 24 years old.

I was pleasantly surprised. I arrived home from work to find my favorite people awaiting my arrival at home for a birthday celebration. We ate chocolate cake (homemade, w/ Betty Crocker's assistance) with vanilla frosting and gelato for dinner! I also loved the karaoke rendition of "Sweet Caroline" sang as "Sweet Jessica."

Does it take really 24 years to develop such a great appreciation for life? Our mind is the control tower of our thoughts, actions, and behaviors throughout our lives. We take everything for what it is, for what it seems at the time but what is actually significant? When it comes down to it, what does it take to change our thought patterns, our opinions, our hypothesis?

Effect me. Challenge me. Say something and do something I haven't heard or seen before. What will stick and make an impact is what will bring wrinkles to my eyes when I smile. Or the tears I fight to hide when I'm doubtful or distressed. I am eager to succeed, I am cautious of the detours along the way, and my sixth sense has been working harder than ever. I've found amazing friends. Tonight they helped me to come to this realization. A random Thursday night, celebrating my birthday with close friends who care. Enjoying life. Enjoying friendship. Enjoying each other. Unforgiving of anything but the best.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

A shy young woman with a pronounced taste for all life's small pleasures

Tonight I wore my "I Heart Serendipity" shirt. I became partial to the movie Serendipity in high school. A born romantic and of course a sucker for love stories, the film reeled me in as did the word Serendipity: The art of finding the unusual, or the pleasantly unexpected by chance or sagacity. My mom knew how obsessed I became with Serendipity and one winter day, brought me to Manhattan to mirror the opening segment of the film. We began at Bloomingdales where surely I had to try on anything priced under $100. Then we got back on the film's track and admired cold-weather gear in the glove department. All that shopping of course built up our appetite so we finished the day at the restaurant Serendipity where we indulged in frozen hot chocolate and brownie sundaes. I left with a smile on my face and my favorite t-shirt.

One aspect of all love stories is the chase. There is always a chance in the beginning for two people to connect and call it happily ever after. However that's too easy and life does not usually work that way. Leave out the chase and you're left with a monotonous storyline.

I finally watched the movie Amelie, wearing the Serendipity t-shirt and all. Amelie grew up without proper socialization as her father, a doctor, mistakenly diagnosed her rapid heart beat as a disorder, leaving her home schooled and without friends. Her awkwardness and appreciation for the small things in life that no one else catches draws you in to her lovely character. She notices a man and is immediately enthralled by him. Rather then approaching him and making herself available, she sends him clues leading him on a wild goose chase in search of his mysterious admirer. The story, the music, the colors and the artistic shots made for an extremely enjoyable two hours.

There's nothing like throwing on an old t-shirt. Easy to wear. Comfortable.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Up Close and Personal with Fire

While driving home from Burbank tonight on the 405 South, I drove into what looked like a fire storm from miles away. As I neared the Getty Center, I was surprised the road wasn't closed as the fire was burning literally just feet from the highway. The smoke lit the night sky in a mountainous, mushroom formation of an orange and purple haze much like a sunset. However it was 1 am. I felt fearful from the vast area of flames burning and the lingering heat.

I pray that these fires stop burning throughout California and hope people will take precautionary measures to prevent the occurrence of the damaging phenomenon. Please put out your cigarette butts before throwing them on the arid soil. And do a freakin rain dance while your at it. I'll join in.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

I just want to blog.

Great night in Hollywood with the ladies. I highly recommend Boulevard 3. Of course I cannot guarantee it will be as much fun as tonight. Fashion week, lingerie show, endless entertainment, beautiful men (when do we ever get to see so many beautiful men in underwear ladies???!!!) , french men, dancing, laughing, lots of laughing. Ahhhh. I'm laying in bed with Emily as she locked herself out of the house of course. Apparently my quote of the night... Em, I just want to blog. She passed out in the back seat of my car and is now sleeping in my bed. No help with this blog at all folks. I guess my driving is just that relaxing. I quite enjoy being the designated driver. I am responsible for myself and the passengers a.k.a. the precious cargo in my front and back seat. The energy of this great company was enough to keep the night alive tonight. I love you girls. Pictures/Vids soon to come from Jess #2.